Saturday, September 01, 2007

Lancers Cafe now cold enough to keep meat safe!

Yep. It's true: while bored, worrisome, out-of-touch (read: Older) administrators/faculty/staff - even some students - have many suggestions on how a COLLEGE radio station should program their music (on CLC's own website, dubbed "Student-run station. Students operate the entire station...".

At least a small few of those "planners" should be worried about how DAMN COLD is Lancers' Cafe. Yes, cold enough to keep meat! Fixing that problem is ultimately easier than trying to re-program well thought through music programming - programming by STUDENTS.

The idea to play music that - in an administrator's own words - "the kids want to hear", in order to keep more students (apparently younger students, or even outside patrons?) in the Cafe as long as possible in order to help raise revenue, could work (and I truly believe that CLC Radio is tolerating this edict well, and the student staff really do want to at least try it). But, it doesn't take even a Grade School Graduate to know that the idea of "what the kids like" yes, he said "kids", when referring to young adults taking college level courses in a college, or " want to hear", is not what will keep the "kids" in Lancers long-time.

Why not, Mr Owner Me?

Because it's just too cold there. And, the food? Enough said.

Save for the drinks and bags-o-chips and OVER PRICED ice-cream bars, there is NO GOOD food in Lancers' Cafe. If you want GOOD QUALITY food, go to the Willow room. You get larger and cheaper portions - and it is GOOD. And HOT.

But, alas, there is no music playing in the Willow Room. That sucks for them. Then again, there is only so much Connie Francis I can stand (that would be none).

None of the music "changes" forced on CLC Radio, painstakingly "researched" by Lancers' staff (so far, the change barely noticeable by most accounts of actual patrons) will matter.
I suspect that CLC Radio will be fielding more complaints for playing too much Rap, or too much Hip-hop, or too much Emo (or Screamo - that "screamin' crap!"), by those students and/or facluty and/or staff who would rather hear something more like the Drive, or Jack FM, even XLC, but like 94.3? They are barely different from B-96, hello!

One thing for sure: CLC Radio will always get complaints of not enough Country, not enough Jazz, not enough edgy, satirical, bad analysis of the news affecting "kids", "give us some of that!". Complaints have been received of students & staff and other DJ for over 20 years - but, the FREQUENCY of complaints have gone down DRAMATICALLY.

Part of the problem lately has been one of , "Who do we call to get "this" fixed" - whatever the complaint - "too loud", "not loud enough", "I hate Metal", "I hate Jazz", "I hate Country", "I hate Rap" - "what number do we call?", and the biggest, "Why aren't you guys transmitting on FM? Wouldn't that be a good PR tool for CLC?". Well, that problem is easily fixed with signage (read: awareness) , and to kick-off the signage I will now divulge the Call-in number through this blog (digital signage):


If a DJ does not answer, just leave a message, and the student staff will be paged immediately to come to a quick resolution. Just, stop calling higher up the ladder, that just pisses everybody off more than the occasional Opera tune or Avante-garde Jazz tune gone a stray.

Just don't panic about hearing a "wierd" tune by making that sound like someone said FUCK at all - except with profanity we will take notice of - that is ACTUALLY important, but Opera? Please. Fix the food and the temps in Lancers. Use some of that hot temper and raise the Temp Levels to a liveable, workable environment and the air temps of Lancers' Cafe, other words, do your job, and let the staff of CLC Radio do theirs.

So let's all work together now, shall we? The audio stuttering is now fixed (hopefully for a very, very long time into the far future), and the music programming has been sweetened to the tastes of what one adminstrator says, "...the kids would like...".

On the other hand, as CLC is a COLLEGE, doesn't it make sense that CLC Radio should be helping to EDUCATE students, staff, faculty, and administrators on other kinds of music - as they have always done? Other than the kind the "kids" can hear in their car or at a party anytime, and the SAME 8 SONGS repeated endlessly EVERY HOUR; in other words, the kind of music that generally college students are TIRED OF HEARING. This attitude toward music just keeps the mind of the young adult still in High School - and after all, isn't the myth of "CLC is just like a big High School", about ready to be transformed into something better and higher?

Flip that coin on its edge and we have: Most guys - and even some ladies - of college age would rather WATCH Beyonce with sound OFF, rather than listen to her songs over, and over, and over in a car. Sorry, B.

Google it. Ask the students of all ages. Ask faculty - not just your buddies - newer faculty. LOOK AT THE BILLBOARD CHARTS - even they admit they can't keep up with the fragmentation and cross-over of music styles and genres that have developed and morhed over the last 2 years. Be thankful you don't work at a college that plays NOTHING BUT Avante Garde Jazz from 9am to 5pm Monday through Friday, like, WNUR: Closed Circuit through their dorm systems, in their cafeterias and on the Air - the same programming for MANY years, and they have not changed for the sake of change, changing their already stellar Foundation of Excellence, on just a whim or a prayer.

Prayer - that reminds me; Gospel Music is a Specialty Music, and will be treated as special, at special times (in other words, not between the Mainstream Hours of 8am to 2pm).

Friday, July 27, 2007

Tribune, shmibune

Many inaccuracies and a real question not asked (nor answered) abound from Mr. Griffin's widthdrawl of hi considered name to the college presidency.

The inaccuracies:

"..."If I caused any pain, I apologize for that," Griffin told the more than 200 attendees at a special board meeting to discuss his nomination for the post at the Grayslake college. "I've always tried to listen to you."..."

1. Yes, more than 200, as was reported to us, at CLC, there was SRO. SRO? In a room that seats normally 400, I would say that , yes, that is more than 200!
2. Special board meeting? Huh? Wha? NOPE. Just a public forum held by the ADMINISTRATORS. (not that there is anything wrong with that)
3. nomination? NOPE, a mere decision to make it into a mere vote - a decision that many were unhappy with.
4. GRAYSLAKE COLLEGE ? 'Nuff said!

This is just one sentence, folks, and more incongruity to come.

"... Fellow board members nominated Griffin to succeed Richard Fonte, ..."

1. Nominate? Nope, just throwing his name around would be more accurate.

"...As part of a severance package, the board allowed Fonte to stay on the school's payroll as a $145,000-a-year special assistant through March, when his original contract was to expire...."


1. NOT a severance package (although one could arguably put those words in quotes)
2. Payroll? NOPE, contracted as a special ass.
3. 145,000 a year? NOPE. 145,000 turns out to be Fonte's pres salary minus the months he would officially NOT be pres.
4. Through March, yes, BUT NOT when his contract WOULD have ended. His original pres contract was for 3 (THREE) years to start January 2006 and end December 2008.

"...On Tuesday, Griffin e-mailed a letter to many of the college's more than 600 employees, announcing his candidacy to become the school's next president. Instead of good-luck wishes, Griffin got a flood of negative reaction, especially from the college's union teachers...."

1. Sir Griffin emailed a letter to PR, and they relayed it to the colleges over
2. 1400 employees
3. announcing the board's decision to vote hi, in as president (with Anderson as Interim Chairman, but no mention of when an election would take place to fill the empty spot to total a board of 7 members)
4. ...especially from Union Teachers? All the college's teachers are now Union.

"...Shortly after Fonte's arrival on campus, teachers presented board members with newspaper articles detailing controversy that had arisen during Fonte's tenure at Austin Community College in Texas, where he was president from January 1997 to December 2003...."

1. Well, most of the research was from articles in papers drawn from doing a Basic Google Search - isn't that one of the most BASIC THINGS EMPLOYERS do these days? (looking up the prospective name in MySpace or Google or WHAT EVER?)
2. He was at Austin for 5 years not 6 or 7 (his second of two 3 year contracts was cut short, too!)

"...Fonte succeeded Gretchen Naff, a popular figure at the College of Lake County who served as president for eight years. Naff retired in 2004, leading to a nationwide search that cost the school around $80,000...."

1. opinion
2. 8 Years? Nope, more like 9
3. Her announcement of retirement lead to a search, not her actual retirement
4. The FIRST search cost 60,000 the 2nd cost 80,000

AND NOW, the real NEW question:
"...Ross suggested that if the board names an interim president, the appointee should be given time to mend fences with the staff...."

Q: Should ONLY the board appoint an interim pres. Should some form of a committee be formed (ad hoc, perhaps) to choose from a pool of worthy candidates?

Doing so just might start the mending process Mr. Ross hopes for.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Job Security?

This is the good stuff. The first person in this video belongs. The second person is on probation.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007



From iMDb: "Plot Outline: Pat Johnson has things get in the way of him seeing Star Wars."
If someone wants to re-write that to: "Pat Johnson has to fight his way through his own Hyper-space, family, friends, and neighborhood apathy in order to follow his dream to see the very first opening of Star Wars; shaping a much larger dream along his way"
To: Patrick Read Johnson (Writer/Director/Actor) -

I just saw the last 40 minutes of the "unofficial" screening/preview of your "5-25-77" tonight on 5-14-07 (Holy Shite Pat-man only 10 more days?) and I need to say again (and I apologize for interrupting the travel notes from the lead actor at the top o' the stairs) I had at least 2 sniffles and 3 man-cries and plenty of chuckles just in that last 40 minutes. I cannot wait to see all that comes before it!

The best man-cry ever (which does NOT, by any means, relegate this film to "chick flick" status.
Hi-eva: Bring your best lover to this film anyway as you will both cry at least once - FULLY)
is Pat's "realization" scene: The candles-lit-behind-the-head, standing-in-the-doorway-lookin-like-christmas shot of Linda (played by Chen) opening her door to Pat. Pat thinks at first she's ready to go out with him, but....

Frickin' beauty-shot - KUDOS to the genius who "saw" that Eyes-Wide-Shut-colored+ shot in their head and GAVE IT TO US to savor! I was shot straight back in time on Cupid's arrow; forced to ponder my first girl - amazing, as was my first girl.

And, not just from the on-again, off-again, it's-ON-again romance between Pat (Patrick Read Johnson played by the better-looking "Nappy Dy-no-mite" John Francis Daley*) and his Gal, Emmi Chen (your basic, "Who's that, and where the Hell did she blow in from?" boing-boing, triple-take - OK. OK. HOTTIE-girl.... there, I said it. Gimme a break!). The relationships from all the cast was the quintessence of believing - not just acting (Although, to me, Pat's mom may have actually been played by Patrick's Mother - that doesn't matter - she was very natural on film.)

The script? Mamet couldn't even dream of such, and yet, there are definite Mamet-like chunks of tasty fat in 5-25-77 (I don't know if Pat heard it when he wrote it, but I think you will hear it when you see the film).

OMG, Pat-man, where did you get your talent? From birth? In the womb, then? It must be so!
The visual editing, along with the audio dissolves just alone in the "Pat's 'realization' " sequence - further in - were immaculate to me (although I found out a little later tonight from "Deepthroat"), were Kubrick/Spielberg/Lucas-esque to say only the least. AND, just when you think (as a viewer) there might be a tad too much imagery or fantasy - BANG, you get a proper dose of reality in the form of another actor's DIALOG LINE. This is precisely Mr. Johnson's young, impessionist's world he is showing us here and "...everywhere...", by the use of this Film Magic.


This movie is a film, a DramaFantaComedy of Epic proportions. The only thing that could possibly make this experience better for the production team would be for G. Lucas to see its debut in California at the 4th annual Star Wars "...Nerd Stock." - ON TIME and ON BUDGET - and I will bet Pat that I give he and his wife one (1) spaghetti dinner from Portillo's/Barnelli's, that Lucas (after his viewing of 5-25-77) will give Mr. PRJ even more footage for any cut-scenes he might see fit to re-do! (Me bribing Lucas with this dinner instead, however, would make an unfair advantage and probably guarantee Star Wars action seque....I digress. I mean: Where's the challenge in that?)

Later, I will tell my reason for being late (It pales in comparison to anyone else's reason for being "late" to the viewing!)

BTW, Mr. "...Patrick Read Johnson...", Austin Pendleton as Herb Lightman - with the "character-placement" you gave him - superb!

( Pendleton was amazing in:
"The Fifteen minute Hamlet" (Play by Tom Stoppard) as Hamlet in the filmed version
"Guarding Tess" as the Limo Driver)
OVER 100 MOVIES as well as untold appearances in "One LIfe to Live" Soap
5-15-07 - and now, my explanation of "being late":

I was sooo hungry last night I just had to go to my favorite place for Italian and then shoot right back to see the film ASAP.
I left CLC at around 8:20pm - I was starving.
Purchased food, returned to view the film ASAP.
Now. I am in the theatre, watching... hadn't eaten. Yet.
Within 10 seconds of watching (40 minutes left of the film) I forgot all about my hunger. For Food.
But, not my hunger for Great Films.

"5-25-77" qualifies and satisfies my hunger, and so it will, yours.

"My Monolith is a window or a door - all I have to do is touch it." "Pat" paraphrased.

My "touch", came with just watching and selfishly enjoying this film. "I got your Supper-8, mag-striped Fifty-footers right here, pal!"

*I only say "Dy-no-mite" because I was more than once reminded of the not-too-obvious John Heder nerd-ish looks from
John Francis Daley - all placed where appropriate and in the pool/shark scene, a sincere tip-o-the hat to Indie filmmakers everywhere with Pat's "Idiot!" pose! (Everywhere? Wait a minute, "...this isn't everywhere, kid. This is Lake County!......... mwahahahahahah!")

And, so what if it is, Lake County? L ake County has come a long way since the Blues Brother's use of the short Hi-way strip off Lake Michigan just for car crash scenes!

(Credits Roll)

Written by Dan Prowse, Jr.

We'd like to thank:

A word about the Music used as underscoring for the film: That's just it. I don't believe I heard, nor did I miss hearing the usual Strings-and-Zings of most DramaFantaComedies. There was one song in the film (lat 40 minutes that I saw) that sounded like it might have been made specifically for the film, today, as in recently. That felt like a good song, too. All the music I "tuned into" both in life growing up then and last night viewing, was music of the 60's/70's , especially with the Eumer Deodato 1976(?) re-make of 2001: A Space Odyssey Them of Thus Spake God, sliding up at one of the best tension/release moments of the film was spectacular!

If at all possible, to whom ever has film credit for Music Supervision (dare I say, Music "Super Vision"), again please try and give them a few extra decimal-points of the film's profit-line. They/He/She just might deserve some.
Man-cry? Speaking of Mankow, even the cameo of him was used expertly. His reaction-line to the Dick Joke was effortless on his part - Kudos to the director on that one.
Anyone who uses anyone who was even a small "part" of Stump the Band, has to be congratulated for inclusion into 5-25-77. See, Stump: the Band, too.
Any film that does NOT need to use a cameo of Alison LaPlaca deserves true, honest love from all film fans.
Alright, I am just kidding really, Ally. Your cool, sarcastic, pretty, witty, and wise; but I'm still happy.
omg, I digress yet again...
+ Well, so I was the only one who thought, "ooh, Kubrick..." ? Come ON !

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Abe Goldsmith steps away, never "down".

Tuesday, May 8th, 2007

Abe Goldsmith, 7 year veteran reporting the College of Lake County Board of Trustees monthly meeting actions, tonight - as the board was well into their "closed session" (and still going now and closed at 10:10pm !) - told me that he was "...just getting tired of [reporting]...", and frankly I believe him. I always did believe him. Abe and I spent almost 2 full years as office mates here at CLC in the Student Activites Offices and we cajoled each other occasionally on various topics for discussion. Coming into work, I would be greeted every afternoon on his take of that day's news - (and I welcomed it).

While office mates (and prior to my joining as CLC Radio GM), Abe was the advisor to the CLC student-operated newspaper, "The Chronicle", and was well qualified to the task, through his association with the Waukegan News Sun. While at CLC, Abe brought high awareness to as many who would attend, the story of Daniel Pearl through a conference that Abe assembled all himself, then later aided with a few student workers and some of us filling in any gaps for panelists for various discussion topics (I was on the obscenity panel, myself focusing on Internet Radio profanity rules - both on-air talk and music played).

On his leaving the likes and company of such luminairs as Dr. Dick Fonte and the newest elected board member, Mr. Lumber, I asked Abe whom he might be handing the torch, he replied, "..I guess they'll [the newspaper boys downtown] will just punt...".

A staff reporter for business of the CLC Board of Trustess meeting actions = crap. And tonight still going at 11:10pm !

I'm back now to report that the closed session broke at 11:25pm but had not wrapped yet....they should have ordered pizza. I should have ordered pizza, for them, if not for me.

I'll report back when I see them all crawling down the stairs...NOPE, .still going .at 12:15am. WOW.
Tuesday, May 9th, 2007 12:55am, I call out, I'm Audi.

Later on Tuesday, May 9th, 2007

I'm in at work at my usual time, and I am told that Doctor Fonte is on "vacation for one week". Perhaps he needed to get away for Mother's Day? I don't know, but DON'T FORGET YO MAMA! and by the way, the "...Board meeting went until 2:00 am..." and apparently, "..was reconvened early this morning...".

HOLY PIZZA HUT CLOSES AT MIDNIGHT, BATMAN! If I had been in that meeting until 10:30pm, I would have ordered Pizza for the House.

That said, I have a small amount of difficulty in knowing that the college President will be absent from the official Graduation Handshake Line, as it were, this Saturday at 2pm in the Gymnausium. But, the newly re-elected Board Chairman to shake hands with as you walk up to the platform ain't too shabby, either!

But, an absent President is not unheard of.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

On the Grid

Well, on the grid (the grid will be explained a little later) for upgrades at CLC, specifically Desktop computers for faculty, staff, and administrators, some discussions will take place and probably some time-table of decisions about upgrade cycles will be published around May of 007.

What would we need today, in February? If you are buying a PC (or a G5 for that matter) and do not require a lot of specialized software requiring crazy video, sound, or printer drivers, then get Vista on that PC. For the rest of you - STICK WITH XPSP2. for your OS (or Mac OSX and XP under parallels)

Only Vista PRO will allow you to run in parallels - -which will seem faster than running in bootcamp (on the G5).

PC or Mac, get a minimum of 1GB of RAM - except NO excuses or compromises. If you are running a PC, AND you want the fancy Vista GUI (called "Glass") to run properly and NOT AS SLOW AS A WET DOG, you will NEED to INSIST on a graphics card with a MINIMUM of 256MB on-board ram ("on the graphics board?" YES. NOT the same RAM as on your mother board). That will set you back at least 400.00 US today.

That 1GB of required RAM is JUST FOR VISTA TO USE BY ITSELF WITH NOTHING ELSE RUNNING. Yes, you photo shoppers will need a machine minimum of 3GB of RAM, or go back to using the darkroom and sell your digital body on eBay.

One thing to keep in mind is the SELECTIVE (it was NEVER going to be GLOBAL) Copy Protection. This of Vista will NOT let you play ANY DVDs without going on line and authorizing them to play. You may also not be able to burn new DVDs when using Vista as your OS.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

TP My Ass!

What direction is CLC headed - over the top or underneath it all?



Most of the discussion below is about household uses of toilet paper. In large buildings, there are many users, so many very competitive industrial methods exist for the use of toilet paper.

There are two common methods of installing toilet paper rolls on a toilet roll holder. Often a matter of stern debate, and a contentious problem in households with opposing viewpoints (second only to the "toilet seat up/down" debate), the variances are mainly that of personal preference.

The first method of installation has the edge of the roll facing away from the wall and commonly facing the toilet (that is, overhand). This method allows the defecator easy access to grab the toilet paper and pull off the desired amount of paper, as the roll spins toward the user. This, in fact, is the protocol advocated by the toilet paper industry itself, including at Scott Paper's factory (the inventors of toilet paper in 1907). Since the industry designs toilet paper to be used overhand, designs that are patterned, quilted or printed upon toilet paper are found on the outside of the roll; i.e. so that it is displayed. In institutions where there is a defined protocol (e.g. Marriott, Holiday Inn/InterContinental Hotels, United Airlines, the U.S. Army), the "overhand" method is specified.

The second method of installation has the edge of the roll facing the wall and commonly facing away from the toilet (underhand). This method makes it a bit more difficult for the defecator to grab the toilet paper: as the roll spins, it spins away from the user. However, there is an advantage to this method in a household with toddlers, as is makes it less likely that toilet paper will spin off the roll. This is because a toddler is most likely to spin the roll toward himself (or herself). In the case of this installation, as the roll spins toward the toddler, the paper remains wound on the roll. Yet another advantage of this method is that when the toilet paper is folded directly from the roll, it allows the embossed or printed side of the paper to face out. Many modern toilet papers are advertised as being "quilted" or "embossed", so this method would let the user take full advantage of the un-printed or un-quilted side of the product (if that is what one prefers).

A third (but far less common) toilet paper installation method is to dispense without any roller mechanism at all, or use a vertical toilet roll holder.

A fourth method involves a portable roll dispenser that encloses the roll entirely. The roll is oriented vertically, and there is an opening on the top of the container. Before installing the roll into the portable roll dispenser, the cardboard core is removed. The paper is then extracted from the center rather than the edge.

Another method of dispensing the paper does not use a roll at all. Cut sheets are stacked in a dispenser, folded in such a way that removing a sheet causes the next sheet to protrude from the dispenser. This method has the advantage that it can be refilled at any time without waiting for the supply to run out completely (as would be the case with a roll) and is therefore popular in public buildings. Cut sheet dispensers force users to help themselves to one sheet at a time, thus preventing wastefulness. They are also commonly used on rail transports where the motion of the train would cause a roll to rotate and cause a mess. This method may also be used alongside toilets that may be used by "Shomer Shabbat" Jews, some of whom do not tear on the Jewish Sabbath.

In terms of the debate, Kenn Fischburg, the President of states, "Many hotels install the toilet paper to pay out from over the top in order to make a nice pointed triangle on the end sheet. This points out to the user that someone cleaned the bathroom and paid attention to the 'finer' details. However, others feel that in a public facility it is best to install to pay out from underneath. In this way, the dispensing and tearing is more controlled and therefore less people will touch the roll of paper, therefore less cross contamination. Also, keeping the paper closer to the wall by dispensing from underneath provides a 'cleaner less intrusive' environment, especially in close quarters. Some dispensers have a top cover that helps the user pull and tear the paper. In this case the roll should be dispensed from the top allowing the user to 'pull up' on the paper and tear it easily. So, it depends on the dispenser, the location and the facility. However, the simple concern about the installation of the roll may have a deeper meaning and may be indicative of a different issue in the personality of the user." "

So, CLC, which direction should we take? Underneath or Over-the-top?

Sunday, January 28, 2007

How soon do you archive information?

A recent story posted only last week, is mysteriously now REALLY hard to find and has been pulled a lot sooner than most articles of a sexual nature.

The Northwest Herald has done something it shouldn't have - at least not this soon after an incident. Curiously, the report from this paper was, by far, the most accurate account of the incident. No one was misquoted - when compared to all other coverage available at the time.
We all know to what incident I refer.

For a newspaper, I say you don't archive any story until it's solved or over. This story is far from over.

But, fortunately, BAD COP NEWS has kept it running.

Are background checks enough?

Well, are they? I think not in every case. I firmly believe that even as long as 20 years ago, more than a routine or even a deep background check should be made on:

Security personnel - all levels, serving any age
Actively teaching Faculty or non-teaching faculty - teaching/advising students age17 and younger, teaching/advising students age 65 and older
Medical personnel - treating 15 years and younger, 70 years and older with additional pediatric or geriatric training as appropriate

The checks I am referring to are two types:

One type is known and used in the Television Game Show / Reality Show divisions called Level 4 (with the addition of whether or not a previous record set has been expunged - if sworn officers)
The other type would be a Wonderlic test.

Well, there you have it, all the votes are in.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

In an unrelated story

The following is copied from who copied it from the Galveston Daily News:

Cop gets probation for boinking 16-year-old sex assault victim
Jan. 13, 2007 Galveston Daily News

Texas City, Texas — A 10th State District Court jury Friday sentenced a former deputy constable to probation for sexually assaulting a girl, 16. Charles Cribbs, 32, befriended the girl in 2004 after members of her family asked him to help counsel her.

She had been sexually assaulted the previous year, court officials said. Instead of counseling her, Cribbs started a sexual relationship with her. The girl was able to describe Cribbs' pubic area while testifying. A friend of hers also testified to hearing the two having sex.

Testimony at the trial established that Cribbs had sex with the girl six times, including once at her home and once at the Precinct 5 Constable's Office where he worked.

Even though the girl reportedly was not forced into sex acts, Texas law holds that a person younger than 17 cannot consent to sex.

Prosecutor Kayla Allen told jurors Cribbs had abused his public trust to satisfy his prurient desires. She asked jurors to sentence him to prison. The charge carried a possible prison term of two to 20 years, as well as a fine of up to $10,000.

After the trial, jurors told attorneys they gave Cribbs probation because they felt sorry for his young daughter.

Entirely unrelated story.

Now that I have confused you all here, a charge of harassment can only be made when there is evidence of intent, not just because you feel harassed. Are ALL of the smart Lake County lawyers now Judges? Have we lost all the smart lawyers to these judgeships?
Also, although there are articles mentioning that communicating with witnesses in a criminal case is against state law, that only applies to the parties of the case; subpoenaed witnesses of fact (not character), both counsels and their attendant firms, bailiffs outside of their normal court duties, court reporters, active and alternate jurors, media allowed to observe trials in progress for the duration of the trial (reporters outside can still ask questions and contact assigned client attorneys) - a wife not suborned does NOT count. Also, as it is against the law if you ARE a party, THAT law is NOT a Class 2 Felony charge!

Evidence of Intent to Harass IS the Class 2.

Also recently reported is a set trial date of Feb 7th (after charges). NO.

Students will forget?

Q: If you are a parent that has promised a teen a new car IF they keep their grades at a B or above by the time they're 16 and ready for a new car (with the intention you know they never will fulfill the grade), and they maintain a 3.6 avg.; will your teen accept you NOT giving them the promised car?
A: Yes, in a Dreamworld, there is a 1% chance that 1% of teens will forgive your little "joke".

Q: If you are a future NFC champ and a future possible, but 6 months ago unlikely, Superbowl prospect, and you literally promise a Local Access TV cohort a room near and tickets for said Superbowl, and later try to wriggle out of your promise, are you wrong for not manning up?
A: In a Publicity Stunted world, yes, you are perceived as a cad and should pony-up.

Q: If an apparently - at least at one time - trusted guardian of your personal safety is found and admits to an entirely (by US 2007 standards) illegal action of sex with a minor, himself being over 30, AND you are a college student, will you forget?
A: Well, that depends. Here, in this article, I am alluding. However, CLC Really Local News has discovered that the CLC Chronicle IS going to at least investigate (and then perhaps publish) at least some thing about such an incident (involved a CLC employee with a highschool-aged non-CLC student from another county (does not live in Lake County). I think college students - at least media students - do NOT forget these things, and eventually do tackle them in the "appropriate" forum.

Regarding fact reporting and sequestering: sequestering is only reserved for jury members. And, by reporting any information or handing someone a report of information to potential callable (non eye-) "character" witnesses, is clearly not a violation of federal law so the Chronicle AND CLC Radio Really Local News are legally on rock-solid ground - even for just hinting, as we think we are. It's all alleged anyway. Whatever - read on.

Recently a co-worker suggested that "students forget [this kind of thing when it doesn't happen within their immediate sphere of consciousness]..." This co-worker has said this on more than one occasion and on each has been wrong. I also disagree with any person on this issue.
In this recent case of mutually consensual "relationship" behaviour - they would also be wrong.

CLC Radio Really Local News is holding any reports of the scandal until more refutable evidence is presented by the Chronicle - because we like to poke fun at them, although last semester they made our job of poking really difficult!

But, that ain't nothin'; read the next link above and you might discover what true marital love can be all about (talk about a woman standing behind his man!):

Hooboy, College of Lake County does it again

I paste this due to another inconvenient truth; that students in a club run by students are being led down an invasive and evasive path by their advisor of non-learning a most obvious truth: the truth behind stats. Another inconvenient truth that CLC has a club that attaches itself - apparently - to ideas unsubstantiated by or based on actual recognised climate expert scientific agreement; not the "findings" of ad hoc panels formed at the behest of personal whims.

It does not matter whose idea it is to show "An Inconvenient Truth", it is an adviser's job to advise. So either the information below is included for discussion of the inconvenient truth or the better advise would be to ignore "The Inconvenient Truth" - the movie.

List of scientists opposing global warming consensus

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

--------------------BEGIN PASTE from other wikipedia article for posterity

Various surveys have been conducted to determine a scientific consensus on global warming. Only one has been conducted within the last ten years.

[edit] Oreskes, 2004

In December 2004, an article by geologist and historian of science Naomi Oreskes summarized a study of the scientific literature on climate change.[1] The essay concluded that there is a scientific consensus on the reality of anthropogenic climate change. The author analyzed 928 abstracts of papers from refereed scientific journals between 1993 and 2003, listed with the keywords "global climate change". The abstracts were divided into six categories: explicit endorsement of the consensus position, evaluation of impacts, mitigation proposals, methods, paleoclimate analysis, and rejection of the consensus position. 75% of the abstracts were placed in the first three categories, thus either explicitly or implicitly accepting the consensus view; 25% dealt with methods or paleoclimate, thus taking no position on current anthropogenic climate change; none of the abstracts disagreed with the consensus position, which the author found to be "remarkable". It was also pointed out, "authors evaluating impacts, developing methods, or studying paleoclimatic change might believe that current climate change is natural. However, none of these papers argued that point."

The Oreskes essay in Science claiming a consensus for man-made global warming was falsified within weeks of its appearance by Appell and Peiser, leading to an embarrassing correcton from Oreskes in the same journal, admitting that she had reported a literature search based on the words 'climate change' but in fact had used the term 'global climate change'. When this literature search was repeated by Peiser it was found that only 1% of the scientific research paper abstracts for the period in question explicitly supported a man-made origin for recent climate change.

Science curiously refused to publish further details of the falsified Oreskes work submitted by Peiser, whose own work was criticised, but this proved to be groundless as the additional confusion had actually arisen due to further sloppy reporting by Oreskes who had also failed to make it clear that her original search was on 'articles only' rather than on 'all document types'.

Peiser subsequently set out every one of the abstracts, by year, for others to see for themselves that Oreskes' survey findings were indeed false.

This outcome hasn't prevented individuals and organisations from continuing to report, wrongly, this summarily discredited literature search as somehow supporting anthropogenic climate change.

---------------------END PASTE

Pasted due to the volatile nature of the lack of reporting elsewhere.

Just in case you can't make up your own mind, try this for size in your pee-brain!

And, in some perverse twist of my own self-foisted irony, I have created a media monster in that of promoting the very thing I wished not to promote: that bull*hit movie. So, then I give you another righteous shameless plug:

Learn about Comedy at the College of Lake County

Ha! You fell for the old "sure sounds like a PR stunt to get us to sign up for a comedy class at CLC" trick. Works very time.

Sound funny? Well, on Friday, January 26th, "the first ever" night of comedy, dubbed "Lancer Laughapalooza", came to CLC with performances by Rosie Tran, Arnold Avevedo (Latino Laugh Festival) and Wyl Sylvince (HBO's Def Comedy Jam). The show was to begin at 8 p.m. in the C- 005 Auditorium. It proved, in this reporter's ears and eyes and belly, to be rather successful over the usually daunting and nerve-racking venture - even for 4 year college! But, as I hinted, the show's start would not be until 8:25pm.
Not to worry, however, as my very own finger dance kept people amused and distracted from the casual start time.
I say "usually daunting", as above, due the casual (professional) delivery of the decidedly liberal comic material - not too far afield from what you might hear at NIU or UofI at their comedy club nights these days! (Remember, back only 5 years ago Dennis Miller himself said in many interviews that playing colleges then was a sure way for even the best comic to lose his or her confidence in a barrage of conservative heckling - causing the intellectuals such as Garafalo, Miller, Miller, Martin, Rock, etc. all Liberal powerhouses to resort to dick jokes or cancellations - no joke.)
Also, like the Big Colleges, Felicia Ganther designed the night ala HBO Comedy Specials, playing her part as DJ Felli-Fell (?) while playing the talent on and off stage just like Master P do, with amusing R&B selections from her personal library. The microphone adjustments were well tuned to the room (which in comedy is either s crap-shoot or serious item on a contract rider!). The lighting suited well as both stage and audience were well lit (normal for comedy). As well the show plot was professionally done, starting with the usual suspects of Music, introducing the MC, then the "Opener', to MC, the "Middle", MC again, then the Headliner, then back to the MC (this last bit is unusual, as most MC endings following the Headliner is usually customarily a final bow of all the comics, with little rebuttal from the MC, but in this case, being amused further by him was well received).

Now to be sure, delivered was very liberal material over all at the "first ever" Lancer Laughapalooza, and there were the usual "toe dip" amount of dick jokes as well as vag jokes (hey don't bitch at us, CLC is doing presenting, "The Vagina Monologues") - but, who really cares? We sure don't care of such things here in the CLC Radio Really Local News Bed. We look forward to many more Knights of Comedy such as was the caliber of tonight' s performance. CLC is college, we are adults, and we deal with adult issues all too few in a faux PC world. Anyway, even the opener could sense when she went "too far, did I go to far?".
However, one technical thing that bothered me of the night's performance was the M.C.'s consistent plugging of the show in the following light: (paraphrasing) "Tonight is CLC's first-ever comedy night...". Well, looking at the process that would certainly ring true in comedy law. But, in comedy spirit, absolutely not true. Only 4 years ago the CLC Program Board presented Carlos Mencia in the JLC, on his way up the Brown Comedy Ladder then and hugely, now with his own show. CLC has been host to the designer of the Ministry of Silly Walks from heyday of Monty Python's American TV re-airings. We have had others in between.
So, although not The First comedian, definitely A First FULL Night of Comedy! And a good one!

BTW, if you found this article to be offensive, then good, and you better attend the CLC Theatre Department's presentation of "The Vagina Monologues" - if only to complain how "raunchy" it was, afterward! And, if you just found this article on the web - offensive or not - congratulations!
So to quote one of the talent tonight, "Hey, it's comedy, get over it!".
Yep, we're all for gettin' over and gettin' over IT.

Disclaimer: the liberal use of the words "dubbed" and "caliber" and the apparent misspelling of the word Knight in the article above are really just veiled attempts at humor: Medieval Style.

BTW, the M.C. of the night could be arguably the best comedian of the night, as with every entre to the stage, he just kept getting better. His deft use of feigning hearing, he would take what an audience member was clearly mumbling, and then twist the words to his own comic desires - soon to become our comic desire to see this comedian up on the HBO soon! His handling of hecklers was impeccable (as we know, RSVP to hecklers can always be a nail-biter).
Really, the only awkward moment was "the Opener's" comment of simulating ardor for too-young highschool-aged man-sex for her! Yipes! Sort of a local NIGHTMARE.

College of Lake County and its very near future!

Well, folks, we don't yet know which future CLC has in store for itself, nor which future will be planned just yet, but pleat many ideas and ARE underway right now to add to the FY2008 budget monies to accomplish a great many ideas. To actually DO SOMETHING GOOD, EFFICIENTLY, AND WITH A HEALTHY AMOUNT OF SKEPTICISM MIXED WITH A "COULD BE A WORSE IDEA NOT TO" DO ATTITUDE.
These ideas are being sought by decision makers down the ranks as well as by the students up through to administrators who - for the time being - look and sound like they care about the largest issue facing the Grayslake Campus to date (and for the last 15 years), its space allocation and use issues of its existing space use.
True, not everyone is currently being asked for their opinion, directly, but enough emails and press releases have borne out the same message - all employee groups as well as student groups can send their ideas (presumably easiest through emails) to those they feel will carry through those ideas into action and crucial, yet smart, spending. Of money. And time. And resources.
We'll be waiting.
And watching.
On the CLC Radio Really Local News Bed.

OK, look; we are being purposely vague and holding back any details, because:
1. our GM has already published his design ideas back in September or October of 2006, and
2. there are no details to report.

Be patient.