Monday, December 18, 2006

Credit Card: Fraud Prevention or Paranoia Presumption?

Yep. This is a long and strange trip but damn it's gonna be fun kiddies!

We found this (about while complaining about something else (big surprise):



in each of the comment boxes, 1 each for each "company" listed below:

"Ripping off cc customers right & left - congress needs to take a serious look at these "companies" and fake address - although it is the addy reported by all of these Tlg* companies - vacant lot in a suburban-zoned CT area! Just use Google Earth to verify (I knew it wood eventually be good for something!)"

From the operators:

"All local business may have ratings associated with them. Ratings are given by users of who share their experiences with a company so that others can benefit.

If you know the company, please contribute your own rating and comment to extend the database. "

THE BIG LIST...........(the names as listed are what appears on your credit card as a charge - usually annually and usually 99.99 USD)

Tlg Shopperadv (Watchout! This one looks as goofy as the website - once you are INSIDE godaddy that is)
7 Cambridge Dr

Trumbull, CT 06611

Tlg Healthsavr
7 Cambridge Dr

Trumbull, CT 06611

Tlg Complethme
7 Cambridge Dr

Trumbull, CT 06611

Tlg Privacygrd is somehow different from = (identitysecure) = ??
7 Cambridge Dr

Trumbull, CT 06611

Tlg Justforme
7 Cambridge Dr

Trumbull, CT 06611

Tlg Dineoneus
7 Cambridge Dr

Trumbull, CT 06611

Tlg Hotline = (The National Card Registry) ? AND (The National Card Registry, twice?)
7 Cambridge Dr

Trumbull, CT 06611

Tlg Autovantage
7 Cambridge Dr

Trumbull, CT 06611

Tlg Travel Adv
7 Cambridge Dr

Trumbull, CT 06611

Tlg Buyers Adv = GreatOptions = ?
7 Cambridge Dr

Trumbull, CT 06611

Tlg Greatfun
7 Cambridge Dr

Trumbull, CT 06611

Tlg CleverClubHose


(and hold your nose) (Here is even a better water-boarded-down version of this CRAP)

Pet Privileges
(This one made me laugh - yet cry)

Small Business Central


In CLC Radio's investigation, we received permission from a benefactor of CLC to include their name as their credit card had been charged by 2 (two) of the companies listed below - in just the last two months. There story is almost IDENTIcal to our benefactor's: We were able to verify that the annual charges of 99.99USD EACH were credited (our benefactor used their Chase Online system and they phoned it in, just to be sure, for verification). In addition, "one" of the companies - although they are owned by the same parent company - gave our benefactor detailed instructions how to fax a request to have ALL previous annual charges credited to their account. This could realise a credit of OVER 1200.00 for both accounts combined.

That's a lot.
We think the previous and pending lawsuits account for this wild and whacky business behaviour (sometimes called "Good Business Practices")


Trilegiant (Tlg ot TLG*xxxxxx on your credit card), 100 Connecticut Avenue, Norwalk, CT 06850

I dig the name: Trial Giant. Aparently they are being sued by bigger giants AND WINNING?

Google Earth Search shows:
It's just North of HWY 1 on the East side in a small (3?)-story office building. But, be careful, that's probably the law office., as most Tele-marketing companies rarely would want their real addresses "out there" just to prevent any silliness.

I can't decide what could be harming society more: Not knowing how EASY it is for parents to understand "L33tSpeek" or bullshit companies like "TLG*make-shit-up" MAKING SHIT UP?

..."Americans didn't ask to be touched, which has led to all kinds of lawsuits and complaints, including a late-2006 settlement that will result in at least $8 million in restitution payments to angry consumers.

TLG is a spin-off of Cendant, a huge direct-marketing/membership venture that does business under such names as

  • AOL AutoVantage
  • AOL Credit Alert
  • AOL Netmarket
  • AOL Travelers Advantage
  • AutoVantage
  • Buyers Advantage
  • Citishopper
  • Clever Clubhouse
  • CompleteHome
  • Credentials Services
  • Dental Plus Group Plan
  • Digital ProtectionPlus
  • Dinner On Us Club
  • Family FunSaver Club
  • Great Fun
  • Great Options
  • Health Saver
  • Homeowners Savings Network
  • Hot-Line
  • Identity Secure
  • Just For Me
  • Macy's Hot-Line
  • National Card Registry
  • Netmarket
  • Pet Privileges
  • PrivacyGuard
  • Sears Discount Travel Club
  • Shoppers Advantage
  • Small Business Central
  • Today's Homeowner Values
  • Travel ER
  • Travelers Advantage"
  • BitchSlapYoAsset
  • "Trilegiant retains a strong connection to Cendant Marketing Group, its corporate parent. Here's how Cendant describes itself:

    The Cendant Marketing Group is a global leader in the membership, insurance and loyalty marketing businesses, delivering products and services that touch the lives of millions worldwide. The group is part of the Cendant Marketing Services Division, which includes Trilegiant, Progeny Marketing Innovations, Trilegiant Loyalty Solutions and Cendant International Marketing Services (Cims), and designs, develops and implements strategies and programs serving more than 100 million consumers around the world."

    "In a properly ironic twist, Trilegiant hired con-man-turned-FBI consultant Frank Abagnale as its spokesman for PrivacyGuard."

    Chase Bank, Triligent, Settle Negative Option Fraud Charges
    Inside Trilegiant's Marketing Machine
    Connecticut Sues Trilegiant
    California Sues Chase, Trilegiant
    Trilegiant Settles with Florida (Thanks, Jeb)
    About Trilegiant
    Consumer Complaints"

    "July 12, 2005
    Connecticut is suing Trilegiant for for allegedly deceiving consumers into enrolling in its many travel and affinity clubs."

    And now for something a little more serious:

    Girard Gibbs, complex litigation attorneys
    (well, come on, it's Digital Audio related, and that's what CLC Radio is all about)

    TRILEGIANT's companies' websites ALL use the dreaded ehg. cookies - tracking-whores of the internet.

    That is why - for a short time - we have included links to all the company websites. WHY? Because we want them to KNOW it was CLC Radio that helped bring them down to Google Earth, where the rest of us work, live, and play. Go to sleep, Big Company, go to've worked hard and long enough. That many lawsuits would give Bill Gates a headache.

    We wonder who their ISP might be:

    Trilegiant Corporation
    100 Connecticut Avenue
    Norwalk, CT 06850


    Administrative Contact:
    Admin, Domain
    1740 Broadway
    c/o Davis & Gilbert LLP
    New York, NY 10019
    +1.2124684800 fax: +1.2124684888

    Technical Contact:
    Master, Host
    40 Oakview Drive
    Trumbull, CT 06611
    +1.2034162000 fax: +1.2034167023

    Record expires on 24-Jan-2007.
    Record created on 23-Jan-1996.
    Database last updated on 19-Dec-2006 00:47:39 EST.

    Domain servers in listed order:


    The above info is PUBLIC.

    I'm putting in my bid for their domain names on hold - just kidding (but, should I?)

    But, looking at the technical contact ( tells us that this big company could be owned by an even bigger company (big surprise, eh?) OR perhaps all they did was build the websites seen above.
    The latter is more likely and hopefully the truth behind the curtain, as:

    OR mnaybe not, as:

    OR maybe there is a little dissention in the ranks of MERGERS & ACUISITIONS?

    (as if I could care) BUT HERE IS FUN - what the website USED to look like, but it's still "out there"
    (Confused now?)

    and the law department might be DG LAW? or something like it (using the Admin contact as a guide)?

    (now THESE guys have a COOOOL website SPLASH page, and since they seem to be into the IP stuff, we might just STEAL their webpage code for it!) APPARENTLY this firm does it ALL - just like Sams Club!

    Well pardon my Canadian French - but why are these TrileGiant Fuck-holes still in business?

    OK, I guess I'm pissed. And that was a rhetorical question!
    Now. Since most of us are all in school, here is some more CRAP to look at after you get tired of all your Chanuka presents:


    And now back to reality:!&q5=TLG+GREATFN


    Sunday, December 17, 2006

    Parents WARNING: Learn this new Leet-speak

    Image provided by

    More cool stuff at!

    HEY, if you think that is bad, you - as a responsible parent - should get off y3r @ss and learn this-here Leetspeek damn quick!

    Here's the link: (This one is Way More Elite - see what I did there, huh?)

    and here's anothe one from little brother Billy Gates & Co.:

    (OMfG, WABOM!)

    OK. Whatever. How did Leetspeek start anyway? I will tell you - it was first invented by my friend David Vanek who showed me how you could (with a TI-33) type in numbers and when you turned the unit upside down the numbers read out as "HELL" ! Wow, how frrriggin geekoid is that!

    Then again, his dad worked for IBM and his dad probably showed him that trick the same day he "procured" Dave his first PP (Pocket Protector).

    Friday, October 06, 2006


    AT CLC, the Grand Illusionists known as Sungard, have BUCKED our bandwidth deal for Internet speed-of-access.

    Apparently we are now all sharing a 100mbps connection (over at least 2 OC3's - if not, more) instead of the GB connection we have enjoyed until only a week ago! This translates o 10MBps as opposed to 100MBps we were getting - and even that is a joke compared to ALL OTHER COMMUNITY COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES IN ILLINOIS!


    I know who to talk to to get either our GB back, or put Rat's office on a 28.8 modem for the rest of his limited contract here. Don't think it won't happen. You want to talk productivity? You just KILLED productivity.

    Now, it looks like I am going to be here to 4am regularly instead of 2 am. Kevin's gonna LOVE that.

    Thanks a lot ASSHOLE! I can't even get the meebo clients to function properly.

    Do you honestly think you are saving the college money? Think about saving your contract renewal for consulting. You SHOULD have consulted with END USERS FIRST - you are NOT the end users of the Internet, anymore than an Administrator would be (and certainly less). That is the first rule of consulting: KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE.

    I can't WAIT to see how pissed off the board members are going to be when they can't get remote access to CLC services in the TIMELY MANNER THEY'VE EXPECTED AND RECEIVED. Forget about Dick being able to deal with it. I mean, it's not like you are going to give them any special privlededges (ie; extra-special bandwidth) - as that would violate CLC's Ethics Policy.

    You know what? Do you even have a Masters degree? You are making decisions WITHOUT consulting the people who need the bandwidth.

    Distance learning?
    Are you fuckin' kidding us?


    There are even more serious consequences that you have not though of - and for ethical reasons I cannot mention here. Morons of Collegis unite, and leave CLC.


    And this thought, too:

    Sungard (who merged with Collegis last Summer?) uses on their website, the Looooooongest cookie I have ever seen. This alone could be an attempt at a DOS Attack!

    Anyway, the cookie is certified by Omniture, a company big on webstats. Omniture also has the customer Cancer Treatment Centers of America to Improve Online Patient Care with Omniture SiteCatalyst Read more...

    That is scary. And it's almost Halloween, kids!

    So, with this new Slooooow speed internet access UP or DOWN load, can you just imagine how happy all of you would be if was hosted ON SITE at CLC?

    Holy Crap, Batman! Yep. Last December 2005, there was actually a committee of the Information Technology Commission of CLC that had minutes of a meeting (AQIP allows for all open session meeting minutes to be made public - not just published) asking the question: Should CLC clubs pay outside for their websites?

    My answer is YES - it's called OUT SOURCING. If the admins want so much for certain things to be out-sourced, website hosting is the MOST COMMON among outsourced things. And, yet we are actually , now, going to outsource a wall measuring 8' high by 20' long by 5" thick.

    I want a tax break.

    Friday, August 18, 2006

    In-line Editorial

    The following is the first "In-line Editorial" posted by me, Dan Prowse, unafraid. The In-line will run commentary on the most recent Press Release from College of Lake County, the first of its kind, actually. Never in the colleges history has the Faculty Orientation Speech EVER been publicly reported , let alone from "the inside". So, now that it has, I can actually comment on it. And it needs comment. The Paste:


    Strategic planning process launched at staff orientation session

    The College of Lake County today officially kicked-off a comprehensive strategic planning process called “Quest for the Best” at opening sessions of a fall semester orientation week program for employees.
    And I know who thought of that name...bribe me!
    Added 10-4-2006: MY new name for it is, "Quest for the Best - Take a Rest!" - because the whole project has been scrapped for at least a year.

    The strategic planning process was authorized by the CLC board of trustees at its July 25 meeting, and the name “Quest for the Best” was selected by the trustees and leaders of college governance groups at a retreat Aug. 7.
    Retreats can be fun, too!
    Added 10-4-2006: Time to retreat, more.

    "Quest for the Best" will engage the college in taking a comprehensive look at almost everything it does, leading to setting priorities for the next three, five and seven-plus years, according to CLC President Richard W. Fonté.
    How do they put that cool ` over the 'e' - and the other direction?

    Speaking at the first orientation session on Aug. 14, Fonté told employees that the college is conducting the strategic planning process “because it is simply time for it.” He cited the fact that Lake County has changed radically in the 10 years since CLC last conducted a strategic planning effort and further changes are projected for the next 10 years.
    He means that literally - CLC does this Strategic Planning EVERY 10 years since it began- no real surprise here.
    Added 10-4-2006: Ooops.

    Fonté said that demographic changes, particularly in the northeast quadrant of Lake County, have changed the profile of the students the college serves and the community needs it must be prepared to meet.
    Frankly, I don't agree with the focus of the numbers. The largest Hispanic growth has clearly been in the North WEST of Lake County over the last 20 years. I don't think anyone has even talked about that over coffee (thereby not violating the "Open Meetings Act", an Act to be sure, and always a fun oxymoron in the Real World.

    Then again, perhaps I haven't done enough cursory research - I know how he gets when you don't do any research: we only have ourselves to blame.

    He also indicated that the college will probably be challenged with continued declines in the percentage of funding coming from the state and with anticipating what students will need to learn in five or 10 years in a world “where technology seems to change almost in nanoseconds.”
    As I was actually present, I kind of giggled in my headset when he said "nanoseconds": that's when my super asked me to shut of my mic (he doesn't like to hear grown men giggle on headsets). "Honestly, Venessa, nanoseconds. I mean...that's really, really fast, isn't it?" Fake Austin Powers quote - haha, I said Austin! I knew I could work Austin into this commentary!

    To anticipate and meet future student and community needs, the college is conducting the strategic planning process, he said.
    Added 10-4-2006: Yes, in the future!

    “Over the next year, we’ll be looking at almost everything the college does—from academic programs to facilities needs, from technology to business practices. We’ll look at best practices, whether they are own or those of other institutions. We’ll be about the business of learning, at every level of the college,” Fonté said.
    Let's just hope he doesn't "look" here! Well, as he has said, "I cannot COMMAND it to stop, I can only hope.". True, very true.
    Added 10-4-2006: But, as I recall, he also said that CLC should be about the business of teaching - I am confused!

    Workforce preparation issues and academic programming at the Lakeshore Campus in Waukegan and Southlake Educational Center in Vernon Hills will be included among the areas of special focus, Fonté said, emphasizing the continuing need for the college to bring high quality programs and services directly to Lake County residents, “where they live, so they can access them in a way that fits their lives.”
    Shouldn't we also be looking at Wauconda/Crystal Lake/Antioch areas for growth and facilities?

    Because CLC is a community college, the initiative will include broad-based community involvement by business leaders, community organizations, local advisory groups and civic leaders, among others, Fonté said, adding that the effort will also involve a goal of “100 percent involvement by employees.”
    Their recent contract with Dell for our computers should make these collaborations very tedious.

    Fonté stressed that the “plan to plan” — the method for conducting the strategic planning process — is still a work in progress with “not every ‘T’ crossed or ‘I’ dotted,” and he invited employees to provide feedback and guidance on the process.
    And by that, we can only hope that "work in progress" stays just that - work in progress. You cannot commit to one way of planning as that notion ruins plans.
    Added 10-4-2006: Not one survey or meeting has been devoted to this process of guidance - so far.

    Following Fonté’s remarks, Dr. Nancy McNerney, assistant vice president for institutional effectiveness, planning and research, provided an overview of a suggested approach to conducting the strategic planning process that had been developed with input from the board of trustees, leaders of college governance groups and other employees.
    Well, Mr. Carrigan, although I didn't "...give a drum solo..." for the crowd, Nancy did come up with a cute Microsoft Drummer. Hey, you have to break up the boring number crunching with something - it might as well be a drumsolo from a computer icon.*

    This approach would involve faculty and staff teams in(sup) looking at a variety of issues crossing departmental lines as well as individual departments and units looking at their own operations and priorities.
    Yep, units.

    Community feedback would come from focus groups or open forums with community and civic groups as well as meetings with specialized audiences such as educators, industry representatives and members of the Lakeshore Campus and Southlake Educational Center advisory groups, McNerney said.
    Well, that might work as long as we don't get sucked into the same mentality that was reported as present in the AQIP 9-pointer (point 9). Which points out that focus groups with area High Schools proved somewhat dismal, at least in sheer attendance. I am not suggesting that the quality was in any way shaded.

    Issues addressed would include such topics as planning for the college’s future facilities' needs, academic programming at the Lakeshore Campus and Southlake Educational Center, workforce preparation, summer session programming, the freshman experience offered to students and much more.
    "facilities needs"? OK, maybe when Lakeshore gets remodeled, we can look at Student Activities & Counseling & Financial Aid areas expanding. You can only "go vertical" so much! I'm not bitter, I just don't want to have to go through another Presidential Search Process so soon.

    BTW, the Main Lobby Fountains of Youth look really nice. As nice as my underwear.

    “Whether you’re in the English department or the payroll department,” McNerney told employees, “you’ll be asked to look at what the future holds for your area and what we should be doing to prepare.” Who doesn't do that everyday at lunch?
    Not to be taken lightly - The English and Payroll departments will be the first to gather info.
    Sorry, that's not right! I forgot, Nancy was talking. She was being general.

    McNerney indicated, as did Fonté, that components of the strategic planning process are still a work in progress. The preliminary schedule calls for completing a draft of the college’s strategic plan in February 2007.
    Again, with the "work in progress", didn't I already hammer that nail home?

    The Cut:

    Well, wasn't that fun? I thought so. My comments were in Blue "Ink".

    *Yeah, I kind of digg the fact that Mr. Carrigan puts forth effort to say hello to me in front of big CLC crowds - not that anybody would notice, nor do I care all that much for the "notoriety" - if any (none perceived) - but, that's just one more vote positive for the Board accepting any decent future proposal to license the puppy for Educational FM Broadcasting.
    And of course, I am missing the point.

    Due to recent policy and job description changes, Dr. Fonte is probably going to be designated the only one necessary for FM decisions to be adopted. The Board may decide to not get too involved in the first place, which is their right (IF they vote on that issue alone, first) and that kind of decision is usually sanctioned by FCC regulations regarding Educational Broadcast license holders for an educational institution, anyway.