Friday, July 27, 2007

Tribune, shmibune

Many inaccuracies and a real question not asked (nor answered) abound from Mr. Griffin's widthdrawl of hi considered name to the college presidency.

The inaccuracies:

"..."If I caused any pain, I apologize for that," Griffin told the more than 200 attendees at a special board meeting to discuss his nomination for the post at the Grayslake college. "I've always tried to listen to you."..."

1. Yes, more than 200, as was reported to us, at CLC, there was SRO. SRO? In a room that seats normally 400, I would say that , yes, that is more than 200!
2. Special board meeting? Huh? Wha? NOPE. Just a public forum held by the ADMINISTRATORS. (not that there is anything wrong with that)
3. nomination? NOPE, a mere decision to make it into a mere vote - a decision that many were unhappy with.
4. GRAYSLAKE COLLEGE ? 'Nuff said!

This is just one sentence, folks, and more incongruity to come.

"... Fellow board members nominated Griffin to succeed Richard Fonte, ..."

1. Nominate? Nope, just throwing his name around would be more accurate.

"...As part of a severance package, the board allowed Fonte to stay on the school's payroll as a $145,000-a-year special assistant through March, when his original contract was to expire...."


1. NOT a severance package (although one could arguably put those words in quotes)
2. Payroll? NOPE, contracted as a special ass.
3. 145,000 a year? NOPE. 145,000 turns out to be Fonte's pres salary minus the months he would officially NOT be pres.
4. Through March, yes, BUT NOT when his contract WOULD have ended. His original pres contract was for 3 (THREE) years to start January 2006 and end December 2008.

"...On Tuesday, Griffin e-mailed a letter to many of the college's more than 600 employees, announcing his candidacy to become the school's next president. Instead of good-luck wishes, Griffin got a flood of negative reaction, especially from the college's union teachers...."

1. Sir Griffin emailed a letter to PR, and they relayed it to the colleges over
2. 1400 employees
3. announcing the board's decision to vote hi, in as president (with Anderson as Interim Chairman, but no mention of when an election would take place to fill the empty spot to total a board of 7 members)
4. ...especially from Union Teachers? All the college's teachers are now Union.

"...Shortly after Fonte's arrival on campus, teachers presented board members with newspaper articles detailing controversy that had arisen during Fonte's tenure at Austin Community College in Texas, where he was president from January 1997 to December 2003...."

1. Well, most of the research was from articles in papers drawn from doing a Basic Google Search - isn't that one of the most BASIC THINGS EMPLOYERS do these days? (looking up the prospective name in MySpace or Google or WHAT EVER?)
2. He was at Austin for 5 years not 6 or 7 (his second of two 3 year contracts was cut short, too!)

"...Fonte succeeded Gretchen Naff, a popular figure at the College of Lake County who served as president for eight years. Naff retired in 2004, leading to a nationwide search that cost the school around $80,000...."

1. opinion
2. 8 Years? Nope, more like 9
3. Her announcement of retirement lead to a search, not her actual retirement
4. The FIRST search cost 60,000 the 2nd cost 80,000

AND NOW, the real NEW question:
"...Ross suggested that if the board names an interim president, the appointee should be given time to mend fences with the staff...."

Q: Should ONLY the board appoint an interim pres. Should some form of a committee be formed (ad hoc, perhaps) to choose from a pool of worthy candidates?

Doing so just might start the mending process Mr. Ross hopes for.

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