Tuesday, May 15, 2007



From iMDb: "Plot Outline: Pat Johnson has things get in the way of him seeing Star Wars."
If someone wants to re-write that to: "Pat Johnson has to fight his way through his own Hyper-space, family, friends, and neighborhood apathy in order to follow his dream to see the very first opening of Star Wars; shaping a much larger dream along his way"
To: Patrick Read Johnson (Writer/Director/Actor) -

I just saw the last 40 minutes of the "unofficial" screening/preview of your "5-25-77" tonight on 5-14-07 (Holy Shite Pat-man only 10 more days?) and I need to say again (and I apologize for interrupting the travel notes from the lead actor at the top o' the stairs) I had at least 2 sniffles and 3 man-cries and plenty of chuckles just in that last 40 minutes. I cannot wait to see all that comes before it!

The best man-cry ever (which does NOT, by any means, relegate this film to "chick flick" status.
Hi-eva: Bring your best lover to this film anyway as you will both cry at least once - FULLY)
is Pat's "realization" scene: The candles-lit-behind-the-head, standing-in-the-doorway-lookin-like-christmas shot of Linda (played by Chen) opening her door to Pat. Pat thinks at first she's ready to go out with him, but....

Frickin' beauty-shot - KUDOS to the genius who "saw" that Eyes-Wide-Shut-colored+ shot in their head and GAVE IT TO US to savor! I was shot straight back in time on Cupid's arrow; forced to ponder my first girl - amazing, as was my first girl.

And, not just from the on-again, off-again, it's-ON-again romance between Pat (Patrick Read Johnson played by the better-looking "Nappy Dy-no-mite" John Francis Daley*) and his Gal, Emmi Chen (your basic, "Who's that, and where the Hell did she blow in from?" boing-boing, triple-take - OK. OK. HOTTIE-girl.... there, I said it. Gimme a break!). The relationships from all the cast was the quintessence of believing - not just acting (Although, to me, Pat's mom may have actually been played by Patrick's Mother - that doesn't matter - she was very natural on film.)

The script? Mamet couldn't even dream of such, and yet, there are definite Mamet-like chunks of tasty fat in 5-25-77 (I don't know if Pat heard it when he wrote it, but I think you will hear it when you see the film).

OMG, Pat-man, where did you get your talent? From birth? In the womb, then? It must be so!
The visual editing, along with the audio dissolves just alone in the "Pat's 'realization' " sequence - further in - were immaculate to me (although I found out a little later tonight from "Deepthroat"), were Kubrick/Spielberg/Lucas-esque to say only the least. AND, just when you think (as a viewer) there might be a tad too much imagery or fantasy - BANG, you get a proper dose of reality in the form of another actor's DIALOG LINE. This is precisely Mr. Johnson's young, impessionist's world he is showing us here and "...everywhere...", by the use of this Film Magic.


This movie is a film, a DramaFantaComedy of Epic proportions. The only thing that could possibly make this experience better for the production team would be for G. Lucas to see its debut in California at the 4th annual Star Wars "...Nerd Stock." - ON TIME and ON BUDGET - and I will bet Pat that I give he and his wife one (1) spaghetti dinner from Portillo's/Barnelli's, that Lucas (after his viewing of 5-25-77) will give Mr. PRJ even more footage for any cut-scenes he might see fit to re-do! (Me bribing Lucas with this dinner instead, however, would make an unfair advantage and probably guarantee Star Wars action seque....I digress. I mean: Where's the challenge in that?)

Later, I will tell my reason for being late (It pales in comparison to anyone else's reason for being "late" to the viewing!)

BTW, Mr. "...Patrick Read Johnson...", Austin Pendleton as Herb Lightman - with the "character-placement" you gave him - superb!

( Pendleton was amazing in:
"The Fifteen minute Hamlet" (Play by Tom Stoppard) as Hamlet in the filmed version
"Guarding Tess" as the Limo Driver)
OVER 100 MOVIES as well as untold appearances in "One LIfe to Live" Soap
5-15-07 - and now, my explanation of "being late":

I was sooo hungry last night I just had to go to my favorite place for Italian and then shoot right back to see the film ASAP.
I left CLC at around 8:20pm - I was starving.
Purchased food, returned to view the film ASAP.
Now. I am in the theatre, watching... hadn't eaten. Yet.
Within 10 seconds of watching (40 minutes left of the film) I forgot all about my hunger. For Food.
But, not my hunger for Great Films.

"5-25-77" qualifies and satisfies my hunger, and so it will, yours.

"My Monolith is a window or a door - all I have to do is touch it." "Pat" paraphrased.

My "touch", came with just watching and selfishly enjoying this film. "I got your Supper-8, mag-striped Fifty-footers right here, pal!"

*I only say "Dy-no-mite" because I was more than once reminded of the not-too-obvious John Heder nerd-ish looks from
John Francis Daley - all placed where appropriate and in the pool/shark scene, a sincere tip-o-the hat to Indie filmmakers everywhere with Pat's "Idiot!" pose! (Everywhere? Wait a minute, "...this isn't everywhere, kid. This is Lake County!......... mwahahahahahah!")

And, so what if it is, Lake County? L ake County has come a long way since the Blues Brother's use of the short Hi-way strip off Lake Michigan just for car crash scenes!

(Credits Roll)

Written by Dan Prowse, Jr.

We'd like to thank:

A word about the Music used as underscoring for the film: That's just it. I don't believe I heard, nor did I miss hearing the usual Strings-and-Zings of most DramaFantaComedies. There was one song in the film (lat 40 minutes that I saw) that sounded like it might have been made specifically for the film, today, as in recently. That felt like a good song, too. All the music I "tuned into" both in life growing up then and last night viewing, was music of the 60's/70's , especially with the Eumer Deodato 1976(?) re-make of 2001: A Space Odyssey Them of Thus Spake God, sliding up at one of the best tension/release moments of the film was spectacular!

If at all possible, to whom ever has film credit for Music Supervision (dare I say, Music "Super Vision"), again please try and give them a few extra decimal-points of the film's profit-line. They/He/She just might deserve some.
Man-cry? Speaking of Mankow, even the cameo of him was used expertly. His reaction-line to the Dick Joke was effortless on his part - Kudos to the director on that one.
Anyone who uses anyone who was even a small "part" of Stump the Band, has to be congratulated for inclusion into 5-25-77. See, Stump: the Band, too.
Any film that does NOT need to use a cameo of Alison LaPlaca deserves true, honest love from all film fans.
Alright, I am just kidding really, Ally. Your cool, sarcastic, pretty, witty, and wise; but I'm still happy.
omg, I digress yet again...
+ Well, so I was the only one who thought, "ooh, Kubrick..." ? Come ON !

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