Saturday, January 27, 2007

In an unrelated story

The following is copied from who copied it from the Galveston Daily News:

Cop gets probation for boinking 16-year-old sex assault victim
Jan. 13, 2007 Galveston Daily News

Texas City, Texas — A 10th State District Court jury Friday sentenced a former deputy constable to probation for sexually assaulting a girl, 16. Charles Cribbs, 32, befriended the girl in 2004 after members of her family asked him to help counsel her.

She had been sexually assaulted the previous year, court officials said. Instead of counseling her, Cribbs started a sexual relationship with her. The girl was able to describe Cribbs' pubic area while testifying. A friend of hers also testified to hearing the two having sex.

Testimony at the trial established that Cribbs had sex with the girl six times, including once at her home and once at the Precinct 5 Constable's Office where he worked.

Even though the girl reportedly was not forced into sex acts, Texas law holds that a person younger than 17 cannot consent to sex.

Prosecutor Kayla Allen told jurors Cribbs had abused his public trust to satisfy his prurient desires. She asked jurors to sentence him to prison. The charge carried a possible prison term of two to 20 years, as well as a fine of up to $10,000.

After the trial, jurors told attorneys they gave Cribbs probation because they felt sorry for his young daughter.

Entirely unrelated story.

Now that I have confused you all here, a charge of harassment can only be made when there is evidence of intent, not just because you feel harassed. Are ALL of the smart Lake County lawyers now Judges? Have we lost all the smart lawyers to these judgeships?
Also, although there are articles mentioning that communicating with witnesses in a criminal case is against state law, that only applies to the parties of the case; subpoenaed witnesses of fact (not character), both counsels and their attendant firms, bailiffs outside of their normal court duties, court reporters, active and alternate jurors, media allowed to observe trials in progress for the duration of the trial (reporters outside can still ask questions and contact assigned client attorneys) - a wife not suborned does NOT count. Also, as it is against the law if you ARE a party, THAT law is NOT a Class 2 Felony charge!

Evidence of Intent to Harass IS the Class 2.

Also recently reported is a set trial date of Feb 7th (after charges). NO.

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